Our School Sports Day celebration was held on Friday, 7th August 2015 at 10.00 am in our school premises. All the staff, students and some parents gathered on the ground. Smt.Sunitha Suren, an International Basket Ball player presided over the function as Chief Guest.
The function began with prayer by our music choir. Students from all classes took part in Marching. Each group of students with a name of different house performed their best by walking in a military manner with a regular measured tread. The best house was awarded by the Chief Guest. Our respected Headmistress Smt.R.Meena delivered welcome address and honoured the Chief Guest. Smt.M.Devi, PT Teacher took reading of the report for the year 2015-2016 which included the achievements of the students in various sports events.
The following were the students’ participation in different sports activities. First of all, the students carrying hoops performed their best accompanying the music. Two students of Std X & XII did their best in Karate by using their hands and feet to deliver their strength. Next item was Yoga by more number of students who performed very well with different kinds of body postures for every Aasana announced by Tmt.Bagavathy Ammal, Physical Directress. They also did Surya Namaskar with wonderful Mantras chanted by Tmt.C.Bala. Different set of students, who participated in Pyramids, did their amazing performance at various levels and at finally holding our National flag high which was highly remarkable one. Band was displayed by the students with their fullest involvement. Middle school students participated in Mass Drill and presented their best with a song by our music choir.
The honorable Chief Guest Tmt.Sunitha Suren addressed the students with a valuable message and advised them to try again and again to achieve success. The Chief Guest distributed prizes to the winners who took park in various sports events. Tmt.Esther Rajam proposed Vote of Thanks. The function ended with National Anthem and School Mangalam.